Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Power Point Slide Show

The webmaster used voodoo magic to put his mojo on the iMac and post my two slide shows. One is about the Garden Writers and the other is about Cullowhee. I have an article about Garden Writers at
and an article about Cullowhee which gives some background to the slide presentations. The link for the PP slides are accessible from the BittersweetGardens.Com home page or at this link Feedback is hard to come by but Beth Woodward wrote the following poem about the Cullowhee (Native Plant) slide show.

I see Paula
I see me
And Walter Cook
At Cullowhee

I see gourds
and more than
One tree

Bug eyed
At Cullowhee.

I see green things
I see THE
Place I'd really
Like to be.

Friday, February 06, 2004

I Told You I Was Sick

Once when I was layed off from my job at Lockheed for a year I worked at my Dad's printing shop when my younger brother still lived at home. I stopped by a Feed & Seed store on the way home and bought two grocery bags full of annual rye grass seed. Dad and I put sweet gum balls and pine cones on the front lawn to spell out in huge letters my brothers name "BOB" and sprinkled the seeds over this. Then we picked up the pine cones and stuff and watered the grass which was brown from the winter cold. Within a week you could see tiny bright green blades coming up. By the second week the name "BOB" was so prominent on the lawn that cars were slowing down to take a look. Dad had a big grin on his face at that practical joke we pulled. Today my brother jokes that he might take some rye grass seed over to the cemetery and spell "BILL" on dads gravesite.