Monday, January 26, 2004

Shameless Namedropping

Let me tell you who was seated at my table at the Reception at Callaway Gardens; Linda Copeland, author of “Who In The World Is Nellie R Stevens?” Paula Refi, editor, writer and Landscape Designer, Lindy Broder, President of the Georgia Perennial Plant Association and her mother, Lucinda Hutson, speaker and author of “We’re Cooking Now”, Hank Bruno, Trail Manager for Callaway, Greg Grant, speaker and co-author of “The Southern Heirloom Garden” , my enchanting wife Linda and myself. This was exciting, hanging out with such famous people. Stopping by to chat were Dr. Allan Armitage, author and famous for many things like introducing 'Homestead Purple' verbeana and 'Marguarita' sweet potato to the trade. Also stopping by was Lee Ann White, author of "Front Yard Gardens" and past editor of Fine Gardening magazine. It was thrilling to be in the company of the elite of the garden world. Though one or two may not be known outside the south, around here they're famous.

Sunday, January 18, 2004


I have been encouraged to keep my blog more current and I have been assured that anything I write would be acceptable. Last Friday evening I drove to Newnan, got a room at the Holiday Inn Express (I learned the word "Express" means no bar, no restaurant) and proceeded to play the guitar and get snockered in my room. Hey, I admit it, I'm human. There is still no known cure for a hangover but thank goodness I was not a speaker the next day at the Georgia State Master Gardener symposium.
This all day affair started with Dr. Allan Armitage and hearing him was well worth the trip. I don't take notes at these things like I used to. Sometimes I don't even look at the handout but this time I made notes in the margin of our handout during Armitage's talk for the plants I MUST have. Don't get between me and these plants at the nursery. I would guess there was around three to four hundred attendees with the majority being female with a great many being as lovely as any flower. I had better stop on that subject before someone gets the wrong idea (or the right idea). These events are an excellent place to socialize with outstanding gardeners. A small crowd of us gathered around to talk to famous garden writer Hal Massie who is a great American and will someday soon write a gardening book that will be one of the best on the market. While I was away my wifus, who has been gently requesting for some time that I clean my office, took the initiative and cleaned it for me. It looks great but I don't know where anything is anymore.
COMING UP - My friend Ivan Tatum who is my great gardening buddy is always volunteering me for stuff. We often go to symposia together and I tease that we are the Mutt and Jeff of gardening, or the Dumb and Dumber. Anyway, Ivan volunteered me for a part in a play. I will be the drunken doctor on a cruise ship - a role I have been studying for all my life. This coming weekend I am off to Callaway for their annual symposium. It is a beautiful and magical place to go anytime of the year. Very quiet and inspiring plus their symposia has the best speakers in the country, all close to home. The Garden & Patio Show is the following week and it really is close to me - just a couple of miles away and I can walk into a world where spring has already arrived. For those who have never heard me play and sing, I will be at the Borders Bookstore on the East/West Connector the last Friday of this month: Jan 30, 2004 from 8 to 10 PM. Come hear me sing some of my original songs.

Friday, January 09, 2004


I am visitor number 23,000 to my own site so I guess I owe myself a prize. I think I will take myself out to dinner. I may take my guitar with me. There used to be an old country song that went "when my pickup truck's loaded down with chicken manure she rides just like a Cadillac." That's a moot point now that Cadillac makes pickup trucks. I saw one on the road just today and thought "now there goes someone with more money than sense." A truck is not for show it's for using to do things where it more than likely will get scratched and dented. The topic says Ramble so here I go - I had three articles in the last issue of the Cobb County Master Gardener newsletter and when I showed up for the next meeting I have never had so many people smile and speak to me. One submission was a quiz about trees. One gentleman told me he only solved three of them, then he found the answers on the back page and got them all. Short notice but I will be speaking at the Atlanta Flower Show - Oops, excuse me, that's the Southeastern Flower Show. And the name change for the airport is Hartsfield/Jackson Airport. We frankly don't give a .... what they name it, we will always call it the Atlanta airport. I will be playing (assisting another guitarist) at the Borders Bookstore on the East/West Connector January 30 at 8 PM. That is the last Friday of this month. And I will now close with the title of a famous country song "I'm so miserable without you it's like having you here."