I have been encouraged to keep my blog more current and I have been assured that anything I write would be acceptable. Last Friday evening I drove to Newnan, got a room at the Holiday Inn Express (I learned the word "Express" means no bar, no restaurant) and proceeded to play the guitar and get snockered in my room. Hey, I admit it, I'm human. There is still no known cure for a hangover but thank goodness I was not a speaker the next day at the Georgia State Master Gardener symposium.
This all day affair started with Dr. Allan Armitage and hearing him was well worth the trip. I don't take notes at these things like I used to. Sometimes I don't even look at the handout but this time I made notes in the margin of our handout during Armitage's talk for the plants I MUST have. Don't get between me and these plants at the nursery. I would guess there was around three to four hundred attendees with the majority being female with a great many being as lovely as any flower. I had better stop on that subject before someone gets the wrong idea (or the right idea). These events are an excellent place to socialize with outstanding gardeners. A small crowd of us gathered around to talk to famous garden writer Hal Massie who is a great American and will someday soon write a gardening book that will be one of the best on the market. While I was away my wifus, who has been gently requesting for some time that I clean my office, took the initiative and cleaned it for me. It looks great but I don't know where anything is anymore.
COMING UP - My friend Ivan Tatum who is my great gardening buddy is always volunteering me for stuff. We often go to symposia together and I tease that we are the Mutt and Jeff of gardening, or the Dumb and Dumber. Anyway, Ivan volunteered me for a part in a play. I will be the drunken doctor on a cruise ship - a role I have been studying for all my life. This coming weekend I am off to Callaway for their annual symposium. It is a beautiful and magical place to go anytime of the year. Very quiet and inspiring plus their symposia has the best speakers in the country, all close to home. The Garden & Patio Show is the following week and it really is close to me - just a couple of miles away and I can walk into a world where spring has already arrived. For those who have never heard me play and sing, I will be at the Borders Bookstore on the East/West Connector the last Friday of this month: Jan 30, 2004 from 8 to 10 PM. Come hear me sing some of my original songs.